My First Maiden Voyage.

Last week I rode from Calimesa to Banning but didn’t really feel the need to blog about it because the ride is primarily downhill. The ride was so easy that the battery’s indicator still was green. Today’s ride however was a totally different animal. Banning, when in a car, appears deceptively flat. I noticed it wasn’t on the ride down when I pretty much coasted the last quarter of the ride to house sit my mother’s dogs.

All these things in mind, I ventured out today under the assumption that I would probably not make it all the way home as far as electric assist was concerned. And as I suspected, the power was noticeably decreased as I started to roll into Calimesa. Surprisingly, it still made it up Countyline Road with minimal effort on my part. The last few blocks however the bike crawled along as we finally see the limits of its range.

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